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Bodywork * Breathwork * Coaching * Meditation * Yoga
                                ...with Brad

About Naked Yoga

About being With...

...this has always been the basis of my work. 

- With- is about relat
ionship.  It is about belonging.
With- is shared journey and shared experience with a trusted companion on the path.   
A path that may be uncomfortable and yet still can feel safe because we are with another.

We live in a culture that is based in the mind which creates a divide between mind and body.
There are many reasons that we separate ourselves or become separated from the our body:

More and more we are understanding, and science is supporting, that he the body is the access point to:
-Bliss states

-Higher Self


Together you and I will explore empowerment, release, pleasure, and insight
and build strategies to navigate the painful stuff that often emerges.

Let's explore what being IN and WITH our bodies can mean. 
How do we access that?  
and yes... even our story
These are some of the ways that we access the moment and the body. 
We will discuss your goals and desires and together relationship.... WITH 
we will create a plan of action. 
We will see where the body ads us.

I look forward to sharing with you from my own personal journey and
discovering what your personal journey reveals.   

Welcome to your body, welcome to yourSELF.

In the company of; accompanying. Next to; alongside of.


  • Trauma

  • Pain

  • Religion

  • Shame

             ...just to name a few.  

Statue with Mask

In the company of; accompanying.   
Next to; alongside of.

With is about Relationship... this is the crux of my work.

For information about working WITH me simply click the link below to send and email my way and I will follow up.   I look forward to working WITH you.
Schedule of Classes/ Contact


Massage/BodyworkI offer 60 and
                             90 minute
                             body work
                             sessions. Our
                             time begins with
                             a discussion of your goals and building a plan together for your session/sessions.   I offer swedish, deep tissue and Thai massage from my home studio in West Asheville.  All bodies and gender expressions are welcome on my table.

Somatic Coaching/Counseling-                                   Coaching/Counsleing                         is available in person                         or online. These                               sessions are a great                         introduction to the                             work of the body as a way to explore goal setting, building strategies for relationships, sexual freedom, self-empowerment, spiritual growth,and meditation. 

For remote clients we will also explore resources local for yoga, massage/bodywork, meditation, breathwork and whatever we discover as a desire.

                             If you are new
yoga or 
                             back to 
                             after a break - I offer one on one sessions online and in person at my studio in West Asheville.
*Introductory/re-introductory collection of  4 sessions will give you a functional understanding of yoga basics to help you feel comfortable in a yoga studio.  We explore beginners yoga postures (asana), introduction to yogic breath, western yoga culture/jargon, and introductory yoga philosophy.

                       These sessions are a                         bit more free form.                           We will spend time                           WITH one another and see what emerges.  It begins with a conversation - exploring your intentions and desires,  your relationship to your body and your access to it.  We will talk about your goals - professional, relationship, erotic/intimate, spiritual  - we can talk and be free in a non-judgemental space that we will create together. 
These sessions are typically 120 minutes.   We may spend time on the table doing body work, yoga/movement, breathwork, and/or meditation.  All of these modalities are available to us in this space.

Coaching, massage,
60 minutes - $125
90 minutes - $175

Yoga Collection-  4 sessions, 60-75 minutes each over 2 weeks - $400

WITH Brad session - 120 minutes - $225


Back Massage

For More Information Contact Brad at 

I want to help you connect with your Body
-Body positive
-Sex positive
-Kink friendly
-Poly/Open  friendly   

About Me

...about Brad




 The first time I walked into a Yoga Studio was in 2005.  I was invited by a buddy to a Men's Naked Yoga Class in Atlanta. I had no idea what to expect- recently divorced, recently "Out" (and recently out of shape because of the first two recent events) I thought "why not?!? That night changed so much for me personally and professionally. I found a beautiful community of like minded men and  I found a new way of being in my body and experiencing myself - I found my breath and I found something I didn't even realize I was missing - I found me.  Now 17 years later I am a yoga instructor and I have been waiting for my turn to return the favor.... so here I am.  

I have been doing healing work for almost 30 years and the thread that runs through all of my work is the body and how we learn to be WITH ourselves IN our bodies.  So much keeps us from that access - let's find our way back.


 It is always an honor to stand with people willing to be vulnerable and curious, willing to share breath and movement together.  The pathway is inward and I look forward to sharing the ride.



Certified Massage Therapist - Atlanta, GA

Swedish, Deep Tissue, Traditional Thai Massage

-2007 -

Certified Traditional Thal Massage - Bankok, Thailand


Bachelor of Arts in Integral Studies - California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA


M.A. Counseling Psychology -California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA


RYT - 200 hr - Yoga Teacher Training - Key West, FL

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