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A Day in The Sun....

You know, for a while I would sit out on my roof top daily and meditate, do yoga, sunbathe, I even did a few massage sessions there - Naked and kissed by the Island Sun. I am so grateful for those days. I mention this because I realize how easy it is to take what I have for granted - to become so comfortable that I forget to notice. Sometimes I am so busy trying to be 'present' that I forget to notice....HA! Such irony.

Today I invite all of us (myself included) to take a moment to notice all of the little things that we sometimes take for granted: the touch of your partner's leg next to yours on the sofa, the smell of frozen pizza in your new fancy oven, a kind word that was spoken to you today by stranger, living close to family - take a moment to savor the gift that is your experience of A Day in The Sun...

Be Safe, Be Well, and be Naked whenever you can!



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