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But why naked???

I hear this question a good bit in the yoga community and I always find it to be a good reminder of how covered up we have become culturally in body shame and fear of sexuality. The paradox between the flashes of skin all over entertainment, media, fitness and even yoga magazines that speak to our longing for the freedom of a naked body against the cultural shame of nudity and its implied sexuality astounds me. This is the irony of our times and a sad commentary that on a large scale we cannot imagine being naked and it not being sexual.

I practice naked yoga because I love being naked. I love yoga. I feel happy in a room full of naked brothers who also love being naked and love yoga. I teach naked yoga because I know that I am not alone in this and want to make this gift available to all men. I also teach naked yoga because I believe men (especially GBT men) want to have a break from having to always be on sexually. It is my desire to create a community of men who are not assessing one anothers worth based on waist size, shoulder size or dick size. Sometimes we just want to be naked. And sometimes we want to be seen and accepted as the perfection that each of us are perfect.

So, are there health benefits? Is there Science? What about honoring the yogic tradition? The answers are:

-yes- there are health benefits - google it

-no- to my knowledge no one has researched it ( at least ot scientifically)

-what do you actually know about the vast, diverse, rich, ancient historical traditions of the 5000 years of yogic tradition other than what brave and loving teachers brought to the West barely 100 yrs ago and molded it to fit us so that we could have access to self and higher self in a rich and loving way - yoga?

But Brad, what about Eros?

Listen, I love my sexual self and I love your sexual self as well... I believe that our Eros is the seat of our healing and power -I fully believe this - I am not afraid of it or ashamed of it. To be able to safely and intentionally cultivate our Eros - I believe that we first need to let the sexual nervous system (I made that up but I think you get it) reset so that we can engage mindfully with our Eros...our sexual self and with that of others. What better way to come back home than in the safety and brotherhood of naked, NON-sexual exchange and re-discovery of self (this is why I love Happy Baby pose because it energetically and physically represents this discovery and its vulnerability).

Naked yoga is home for me and I think for many others. It is the place where I can be fully me, be fully free , and sure... sometimes be fully erect, and yet not have to play someone else's performance and expectations game. From this place of grounding and safety we can begin to discover a new relationship with self and with our life giving sexuallity.

Whether on my mat practicing alone or in the company of brothers - I stand naked before you and share this offering from my heart.

If I can answer any questions, be of support or simply hear you - Feel free to reach out to me.

Be safe, Be well, and whenever you can... be Naked,


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