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I hope that you all are enjoying a safe re-entry into the world as we once knew it. As summer unfolds and restrictions lift, opportunities arise to connect and move and play - I encourage us all to mindfully take advantage of this. Yoga studios and fitness facilities are opening and resuming classes and I encourage you to connect with these local resources. Naked Yoga doesn't always have readily available access - so check out your area to see if there is a local brotherhood of naked men meeting together in person. A simple google search " Men's Nude Yoga Classes near me" will let you see what might be available, and of course Meetup ( free app) is a common resource for our community.

Here at Key West Men's Naked Yoga there is a transition taking place -

I am relocating to Asheville, NC. In this transition I will not be available

to teach online in the month

of June as I had anticipated. If you are a teacher or know a teacher who would be interested in teaching with our online brotherhood please feel free to reach out to me here or - or give this info to anyone that you think might be interested in teaching. I am planning to resume teaching online in July once settled so stay connected and stay tuned. Regarding in person classes in Key West - I am talking to a beautiful naked yogi there now who may be able to pick up and continue the local community practice - again stay tuned.

Thank you for staying connected and for your dedication to this community.I look forward to connecting again soon. Naked hugs to you all, BRAD

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