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Prioritize Self Care...Always. See you boys in June 2021!

How often do we really take time time to prioritize OUR needs? We are busy creating and running empires and families and sometimes forget to just be...

Yoga is a great reminder of self - as we connect breath, body and presence we are reminded of our beauty, our strength, our divinity. As our world emerges from a long year of uncertainty, fear and isolation into the bright sunshine of spring and the new found freedom that awaits us with vaccines and safety - we begin to feel the organic urges of humanity to get out in nature, to connect with others and to feel and smell the life we had taken for granted pre-pandemic. We are not out of the woods yet but we can see the horizon and with grateful hearts and loving kindness toward self and one another we can continue to make wise choices and move in the direction of the Sun. To this end I have decided that I will prioritize my self care - Chris and I will heading to the mountains of NC to visit the kids and grandson and to be in nature and explore - this means that I have decided to take the month of MAY as a time to create a stop and simply ... be.

Classes here on line will be canceled for the Month with plans to resume on-line classes in June. In the meanwhile - get naked and get outside if you can. Keep moving and breathing. Check in with your local yoga and/or nudist communities as people begin to create events locally and in person - take advantage of those as you feel safe. I am ever grateful for this community and the year that we have spent together. I look forward to connecting with you all in June online and possibly in person here in the Keys once again. Let gratitude be your anchor, let breath be your presence, let your beautiful naked body hold wisdom ... and pleasure. Big naked hugs to you all. -The Naked Yogi

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