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that awkward stage

ok fellas.... remember that time when your arms were too long and your feet were too big and if you were one of the lucky ones your penis was too big for the body of a 12 year old with random man size parts? Awkward at best. Voice crackling, wet dreams, acne - those were the days. Well strangely I feel similar today as I ponder with you from the porch of my Asheville, NC home in a beautiful rain shower feeling drawn to you all in a way that feels familiar and yet completely new. Awkward in my own body and in my own tribe as I am searching to find my me-ness. It is an exciting time and I am feeling more at home than I have felt in ages - to that end I can feel the warm touch of yoga tapping me on the shoulder reminding me ... "it's almost time". Something is brewing and I am looking forward to discovering it. I hope you will hang around with me for a while as I/we re-create this thing that we have been doing since last March (2020). Together we have ebbed and flowed, down dogged and warriored, we have had 1 on 1 sessions, group classes, coaching sessions, beginners groups - flow, restorative, yin, flow....lather rinse repeat....I look forward to what is next. Some of you will have notice there is no social media presence currently - that's cool.... I just needed a stop for me - I look forward to reconnecting in time. Like all things awkward the best thing to do is just wait it out - and so I trust the wisdom of my own body, our community and all that runs beyond that. In the meanwhile - continue ( or resume) practice on your own or with a brother. Studios are opening up and people are gathering - simply google " mens nude yoga_(name of your city) If there is something around it will show - if not - check out local yoga studios, men's groups - Meet up is also a great resource. Stay connected when you can. And as always - I am here and willing to be a resource for you in any way possible just reach out. So until "it" is revealed ( and trust me I am as eager to know as the next guy)... stay safe, stay well and if at all possible... stay naked guys!

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